Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To The Ends of the Earth

In the past few weeks, the song " To the ends of the Earth" has been coming to me. I was doing research for my sunday school lesson and it was on a website, I was playing a random playist and it played, I went to church and it was in one of the worship packages. As the praise team was rehursing, the words resenated in my head, and i felt my hand began to lift. I stood there and sang, the words "..cause i know that youve called me..." I have always said that i would do missions short term. But recently its been weighing heavy on my mind, and i long to go overseas. I know its a weird thing to desire, to leave the comfort of home, and go to a place where there is very littel, anf i will not only not be getting paid to work, but where i will be paying to go. But none the less it is on my heart, anad my desire is ever strong. I dont know when i will go or where. But i do know that i will be going at some point in my life.
Love to all