Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I need this!

I can lie down and sleep soundly because you, LORD, will keep me safe.
~Ps. 4:8 CEV
Help me oh God to hear and believe this. Let this be my comfort tonight, let me feel your presence, may i sleep soundly because of you. Your word teaches us that you are the great shepard the protector. you watch out for your sheep and protect us. Praise be to You for your unfailing mercies.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How awesome to Know!

How awesome to know that God is omniscient, and that he knows exactly what is best for us. I spent some time in prayer this week asking God to help me see what it is he wants for me.(r/t previous post) And last night God answered my prayers and gave me insight. Although the outcome was not what i had thought i wanted I know that it is for the best, because God knows me me better then anyone!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I wonder as I wander

Isnt that the verse of a song?? I think so. Either way, it seems to fit my pensive mood. I have a lot goin on in this head of mine. A lot of thinking that needs to be done. I feel that i am facing some decisions which need to be made, yet i feel less then infromed on the matter so a good decision will be hard to make. Ok so i am not making any sense i am sure, welcome to my world lol. I am gonna try to take some time this week to pray things through. Relying on God and his infanite wisdom is my best bet i think. Anyway i would love to chat, but much needs to be done before the sun rises and it is all ready getting late. I will end off this post saying it was good to be back in the city for a breif moment. I didnt spend as much time with some as i would have liked, but i will be back again soon. Love to you all!