Saturday, September 29, 2007

Matt. 25:40

In the Message Bible, Matt. 25:40 says Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.' I read that and it gets me thinking. How the face of christ is all around us, its the hungry woman waiting in line at the foodbank, its the little old man lying in the bed at the Nursing Home, or maybe even a friend, classmate, or co-worker. We all know of someone or we oursleves are "down and out". Some look at these individuals as mearly social outcast, dirty, or hopeless. Some of the people thinking htat are christians. However, if we look at this passage we are saying that christ is dirty, christ is a hopeless cause and that he is not even worth our time. I can bet that there are few if any christians who would say that they didnt have time for christ if he stared them in the face and asked for a bit of their time. Christ in his human form is not on this earth, but this passage tells us how he is on this earth and that we are not to overlook "the least of these" Chris Tomlin sings "'Amazing love how can it be that you my king would die for me. Amazing love i know it's true and its my JOY' to honor YOU, in all i do i honor you" Are we really honoring God in all we do? Are we steping out to help those that are poor in money or poor in spirit? Are we befriending the friendless? Bringing hope to the hopless? Kinda makes me wonder why the church doesnt place a higher importants on servant leadership.