Sunday, May 04, 2008

God Provides

Well we hear it and many say it "God provides... Do what you can trust God for the rest... etc..." It becomes almost mundane, more colacial than anything. But i am here today to say it really does happen.
The past few weeks for me have been tight financaily. I have used the last of my saved up summer money and my 40$ a week i make at the boarding home doesnt cover rent let alone the bills. My parents sent money allowing me to cover rent , but that leaves food to fall to the wayside. I wasnt completely starving but lets say i was forced to be pretty open with what i was eating lol. Today i annswerd the door to a woman standing there with bags of grocerries. Tuna, crakers, casseroles, butter, fruit, cheese, bread, potatoes, jam, chips, cookiesand much more that i cant even list it all, and MEAT like i have never seen. I was overwhelemed by the generousity of this person and how God was able to provide through her. Yeah so I'm a pretty happy girl today. I am going to go eat a lovely homemade sheppards pie compliments of this woman who doesnt not want credit. I will respect her wishes on here , but God will give her credit in glory! I will also be paying this on forward you can count on that!!!! SOmeday some girl or guy will be strugglin to make ends meet doing what they know God wants them to do and i will be blest to payforward the gift that i recieved today!
Love to All