Wednesday, July 02, 2008

5 things

i stole this off the blog of a guy who goes to my church.

What were you doing 5 years ago?
-Working as a nanny
-Taking night classes
-Spending a lot of time at the beach
-just being cool

What are five things you did today?
-Went to the Deep Water Picnick
-Watched the Fire Works
-Went to Boston Pizza
-Watched Jon and Kate
-Enjoyed the sun

What are five snacks you enjoy?
-Crispy Mini's
-Peanut Butter and apple
-Fruit & yougurt
-Wheat Thins
-Raison Bran

What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
-continue to Tithe to my church but no in great amounts
-Build/repaire a hospital in 3rd world country and help them provide cost effective medical care
-Build an AWESOME nursing home
-Donate $$ to a nursign school and have them put my name somewhere in it ie: the NAomi
Brown Skills Centre lol conceided i know
-Pay off my families Debts
What are five jobs you have had?
-Personal Care Worker
What are five things you are looking forward to?
-My niece being born
-Finally getting a sunday off so i could go to church
-Seeing what God has instore for my life
-moving into a new apt
-the day i can BBQ again... i loove bbq hate that i dont have a balcony to do it on