Wednesday, December 08, 2004

What's a girl to do

Oh my, what is a girl to do. I have the HUGEST exam EVER on SAturday, and i really havent studied as much as i should have, not that i havent been but you all know how it goes. To add to that i have a setof thoughts. Very complicated thoughts really. A lot of it is speculation, and filling in blanks, then pondering from there which isnt good. But the blamks seem straight forward and fillable. Any way, as things unfold, i will let ya know, i jsut dont think its a good idea to talk about it untill i know for sure. Ahhhh but its soo complicated, i hate that. Life should be simpler, lol who am I kidding!! Oh well Que est ce que je vais faire? Vraiment je ne sais pas. *sigh* life is hard to figure out sometimes. You think youve got it figurted out and then it throws ya a curve ball. Your caught off guard. oh well like i said, i guess ill just have to see how it all pans out.. I will keep ya all posted though, no worries about that.
Je dois dormir, bon nuit,

Saturday, December 04, 2004

A KV Christmas

Well i had a lovely evening. I went to the KVW Christmas Musical, it was soo much fun. I went with a friend of mine Clay. It was a nice break from Res. I could get into the whole Clayton thing, but i dont think i will, its to involved for this evening. Ya'll can ask me if you have questions. ANyway, i jsut ate 3 slices of pizza and i think i could puke so i am gonna head to bed.
Bon Nuit,

Friday, December 03, 2004

Hello where have u been?

Hey All,
its been WAY too long!!!!!! Life has been flying by. From Boyfriends and breakups to biology and Books. I am trying ot balance it all, and this semester it didnt quite work, biology kinda got away from me and i am now gonna habve to work like crazzy to pass. Any way where to start? Well i love my p[rogram, its really awsome. Biology is the pits, but what can ya do its a nessicary evil. I had a boyfriends, Clay, he was really sweet, funnny and awsome at what he does career wise( well from what i can tell) But we didnt see eye to eye so we eded it. Am i biotter? well not really, disapointed is more like it. He was a good guy , but c'est la vie n'est pas? Que est-ce que tu vas faire? Any way what else can i say? My grampy died this year whiuch is a huge stresser for me!!!!!! It really frigged with my school stuff, through me off a bit. But he was suffering, and it wasnt fair for him, he needed to go where he wasnt hurting any more. I thinik that keeping that in mind helps me deal with it all. Although it will be a pretty hard christmas. I am really looking forward to next semester , if i make it. It is when we start clinical :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D We will feel more like nurses then. Anyway, i guess i should go soon. But i will write more, i promise!!!
Joyeux Noel !