Monday, August 15, 2005

A Commercial

Did anyone see the 2005 Year of the Veterns comercial??? I saw it today and it really made me think about how much so many men and women have given up for us. Far to often ppl get all up in arms over war and such military things. Believe me, i am not a violent, pro-war kinda girl. But i have to say there are times when it really is nessicary. I shutter to think what life would have been like if we hadnt stepped up to the plate during WWII. How different would Canada be? Would we even be Canada??? I think too of the peacekeeping we have done and how without the use of our military for that how much higher would the death toll be in some of those nations. Im no military expert i dont claim to be, but seeing that commercerial really got me thinking that we dont often ackowlade the sacrifices countless men and women have made throughout the years for the safety and freedom of us, and many others in our would today. Well thats my cause for the day, i'll sigh off now
A beintot,

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