Thursday, December 22, 2005

Hey All

Hey its been awhile since i posted last, i have been soo busy. I worked 42 hours in 4 days last week. WOrked this week too, ontop of shopping wrapping and that sort of christmasy stuff. I blog tonight with a heavey heart. I have some things goin on with me, and they are kinda gettin me down. I am working diligently to rectify them, but one can only do so much. Last night in bed, i gave the whole situation over to God. I am at my witts end, and in a cry of desparation i let him know i had had enough. Enough with my self reliencey. Do you ever wonder if sometimes God pushes us so we will rely on him? Lets us reach our max to see if we will let him help?? I am now waitin on Him, I will see what he has in store for me.
Love to u all

Friday, December 16, 2005


So i came home for christmas break expecting to get a few shifts at work, maybe just one a week. Well man was i ever wrong. I have worked 42 hours since Tuesday, and could have worked even more if i had wanted. The called me to work monday and i declinced. Then they also offered me shifts saturday sunday monday, and tuesday. in addition to my shift on wednesday. I love my job dont get me wrong, but thats alot of hours. I came home today exhusted, took a much needed hot shower, them hit the Bussines park for some much needed shopping. YAY! Not much else goin on with me. just work eat and sleep.
love ya!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For Whom the Bells Toll

As I walked to the store tonight I heard the unmistakable sound of church bells. The sound rang threw the cold December air. I have walked that path countless times, and never once have I heard those bells. Tonight it acted as a reminder to me, that in the business of the Christmas season: school, work, travel, parties, we mustn't forget the real reason for this season, Christ's birth. I must say too, I loved hearing those church bells. It seemed to bring a calm to me. Maybe another whisper from God, I nice little reminder of his ever constant presence.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I woke up this morning feeling well rested, suprised that i felt this way being that it was b4 625(the time my alarm was due to sound). I rolled over to se what time it was , and nearly had a heart attack. It was 20 mins. to 8 and i was due on campus at 8. I lept out of bed and raced around. DOwning 1/2 a bottle of American Moutain Dew(nice and caffeinated) i quickly through clothes on. I brushed my teeth and headed out the door. No time for the bus so i called a cab. I got into the car and playing on the radio os "have yourslef a merry little christmas" by leanne Womack. It was the nicest randition i had ever heard. It brought a nice bit of calm to my ,rushed morning. This it was off to a meeting. I was feeling so stressed with all that i have going on i barely knew what to do. Ahh the life of a nursing student. As my meeting ended and i left, i felt an overwhelming sense of calm. I felt like i was going to get eberything done and that things were going to work out. Im guesing its in part because my meeting went well, partly because oof the nice little leanne womack moment, and partly because i know God is in controll. HALLELUAH!!! I am off to class now, and i honestly feel so assured in my spirit. Its liek Goid is wispering to my soul, "it's ok, you can do this, we are a team, and i wont let you down"
Anyway off to class, Love you aall