Sunday, January 28, 2007


Well what an awesome day!!!!! Let me repeat that... WHAT AN AWESOME DAY!!!!! I went to church this AM and the presence of the Lord fell upon me like I have never felt it before. I was brought to tears. I cried uncontrollably and could not even pin point exactly why. I just knew it was God. I have been less then myself recently, and I heard over and over today GOD WILL HEAR YOUR CRIES. Pastor Jim said he felt lead to open the alters again, he just felt like he was supposed to do it. I steped out of my seat b4 the words left his lips andwent to the alter and humbled myself b4 God and you know what a huge burden has been lifted from my chest. This overwhelmed feeling that I have been carrying for the past month seems to be lifted... PRAISE THE LORD.
We had a guest speaker who spoke about the need to step out of your comfort zone and obey God. Although in part I think she means greater things, big plans God has instore for me ,things I know he wants me to do, the beginning of that "stepping out of your comfort zone" was me walking to the alter. Those of you who know me know when it come to things like that I am rather shy. I find it awkward to pray out loud at the dinner table. So to make a public declaration of prayer (the alter) is pretty big.
Anyway I may be overwhelmed with school and the business it brings, I may be feeling alone in this basement of an Apt, but I know I am not in this alone. God is with me and is there for me. And if that isn't comfort then I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a good day! I have been wondering how you are doing..we miss you!