Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On the Third Day

I sit here tonight listeining to Matt Maher's On the Third Day. The entire song talks of how the very world we live in points to the Easter storey and how Jesus prevailed on the third day. Theres a 'line that says "for everything must die to rise again" and today that brings me great peace and hope. I got word today that my Grandma Brown is in the last days of her life, she has begun the molding process, and is curled up into the fetal position. The DOC at her LTC facility has told us to prepare, for the time is comming soon. I had my moment of crying today and yes it is sad but i know where she is going when she passes and that is a far better place then our world can offer. Back to the line "For everything must die to raise again" Tonight i took that and applied it to my Grandma B. She is very sick, she is in the very last stages of Alzhimers and her quality of life is very low, when my grandma dies she will "rise" and go to heaven where she will be freed from her sickness, she will no loner be plauged with this awfull disease. SHe will be able to walk, and talk, and sing. She will be reunited wth her dear sweet Beth, she will sit at the feet or her saviour and bask in the wonder of his beautiful face; and all of this becuase she will have died. So yes this impending death will be sad, but really we can take comfprt in knowing that "everything must die to rise again"


Blest Brenda said...

Hey Naomi it's your other Mom, just want you to know that we love you and are praying for you

Sarah Beth said...

This is so true Naomi. Thanks for bringing hope into what could be a sad situation.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.