Monday, April 09, 2007

What a sick World

What a sick world we live in these days. I shake my head as i read the news. Yesterday a canadaian LAVIII was hit with explosives causing the amo on board to ignite and kill 6 and critically injury one candadian solider. I shake my head! These men were over there trying to make this country a BETTER place. They went over believeing in the mission, they went so that the citizens of the nation could have a better life, and this is what they get in return. I was very close to the injured solider, i thank GOD that he wasnt killed but for 6 families and friend groups the news wasnt as good.
To the Cpl Fevens family, we pray for a speedy and total recovery for Shaun, I have to believe that God spared him his life, and that he has great things in store for him. To the Sgt. Lucas, Cpl. Williams, Pte.Kennedy, Pte.Greenslade, and Cpl. Stannix families i pray for you all in this trying time. I can even begin to imagine the loss that you are experiencing, you lost sons, fathers, brothers, partners. Know that like many my prayers are with you, and i mean that. I pray daily for the soliders and thier families both present and fallen. Their families are as much a part of this war as they are, its just in a little different way.
Love and Prayers to all


Anonymous said...

Hello Naomi,

I'm with CBC Radio in Halifax, and I'm wondering if perhaps you wouldn't mind chatting with me about your friend, Cpl. Shaun Fevens.
I'll keep this note brief, but if you wouldn't mind sending me an email:

Thanks in advance,

Unknown said...

Hey Naomi,
It's Ben. I saw Shaun on the front page of The Chronicle Herald just now. I had no idea he was involved in this tragedy. I thank God that our dear friend's life was spared. He will no doubt have much to deal with, especially since the others with him suffered a different fate. Our prayers are with him.

Anonymous said...

Shaun is a dear friend of mine as well. He's such an amazing person and has believed in this for as long as I have known him. I just wanted to comment on this because he needs everyone's support and prayers right now, come home to us shaun, we love you