Friday, April 13, 2007

What a week!

The week is drawing to and end and i have to say it has been an interesting one for sure. 5 days ago i recieved the word that Shaun had been involved in the incident overseas. I posted on monday about it, and u all know of my disgust r/t it. I do however have to praise our Glorious and AWESOME God for his watch care over him. As i told a CBC representative, i do not believe in luck, and i told shaun that b4 he left, hence never wishin him "good luck" I do however believe in the unfailling power of the Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled Shaun to come home (which is tomorrow night by the way!!!!) It is bitter sweet of course, this isnt the way we would have wanted for him to come back, however he is alive and that is something to be so thanfull for. Another note to the families of the others who were not as forunate, my love and prayers go out to you in the deepest and most sincer way!


Donna, Rob, and Girls said...

We are glad to hear he is on his way home!!! I don't believe in "luck" either.

Blest Brenda said...

Did not know that this was your friend that was injured. So glad he is coming home. We are praying for him and all the families involved in this tragic loss.

Adirondack Explorer said...

Hey, Naomi. We love you!!