Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a Good Day

It's a good day to be alive. The sky is bright, the snow is pretty on the ground (not so on the roads however), and although nothing big is happening in my day I am thankfull to be here. With american thanksgiving on its way i am beginign to think about all that i am thankful for.
1) Family; although all of my family is in NB celebrating this holiday this year, i am blessed to have a loving family, who when push comes to shove come together and supports eachother no matter what. And we have a new addition to the family Baby Michal who by the way is ADORABLE!
2) Work; Although somedays i complain when i get called in for overtime, or am asked to stay late to do Med Pass, over all i am blessed with a Job that i love, and thank God for daily.
3) Friends; I am blessed with some really great friends in my life. I spent the day with my College Rommie yesterday laughing, and talking just enjoying eachother's company. It was so great.
4) Deep Water; I have been so blessed to be able call Deep Water my church home. I am not there as much as i would like what with work and such, however i am so impressed by the vision God has given the church. THier focus on compassion ministy lines up with the desires God has placed on my heart. God is using AJ and his team to impact eternity, Praise Him for that!!!!!
So i guess with all of that and soo much more its a great day to be alive!

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