Saturday, February 26, 2005

Short Lived

So my great new job, is getting canned. We are being taken over by a new company and we all will get laid off in at the end of march :( saddness. Oh well I will look for work, who knows what may come my way. I am applying for a job tomorrow pray for me on that account, it sounds pretty good.
We had someone in from church for dinner, i made a banana split pie, it didnt freeze right :( but i still thought it was yummy :). We got on the topic of frenchy shopping, totally shares my shopping philosophy on it, right down to his methodes of shopping, what a good person, hehe its so about pushin the clothes to one side. Anyway, its Golden Oldies sunday tommorrow, should be good, kinda neat to sing some of the songs from my childhood. Not singing some of my faves though, kinda disapointed, BUt maybe next time. I have a stats midterm on monday totally scared , should be stusying, not here writing in my blog, but i some how seem drawn to it tonight. Im in a good mood minus the nerves of the stats midterm. could be the coffe i had tonight, could be a good night of christian fellowship, who knows. I feel like i could ramble on here for hours, but i guess i wont. I have some laundry to hang on the drying rack and some more studying to do b4 i go to bed. Im gonna try to keep writing here, give you guys a reason to come here.
bon nuit et a beintot,

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