Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sparatic at Best

Man im sooo sparatic when it comes to this thing. So a little update. Im back from NB :( im disapointed to a degree. I had really gotten close to the ppl i lived with, and God was really opening doors for me to witness to them. I have to tell myself though that as promised God will not leave me nor forsake me, ans that all things work out in HIS time, this being no exception. Whos to say why it is i am back here? I will wait patiently to find out. I'll go back in the fall provided i get enought moneyor if i can get into the dal program then do that. Funny thing that schools want you to pay to go there, lol. I am back at dal, not minding it. Not in any good classes, actually just stats. Its boring. I here form the ppl back in SJ about Clinical, and all the classes they are taking and i must admit i get a bit jealous. Oh well next year. I start work soon, so thats good, start the $ comin in for next year. Anyway i suppose i should go, Hope y'all are having a great day!

1 comment:

Sarah Beth said...

Hey Na!
Good to see you posting again. It was great to see you while I was home. Love you!