Sunday, March 13, 2005


Oh man am i ever tired i just got home. I was babysitting, and let me tell you it could make a person NOT want children. Yes it was that bad. Any of you who know me, i typically dont get frazzled by kids, i can take a ton of crap from them, but tonight, i was near my wits end. Aside from that, we had an AWESOME service at church today. It was this "open sunday" well we did this thing where ppl shared a burden and then ppl could come and stand around them and we would pray for them. It symbolized us sharing the burden, wow was it eber powerfull. People were so transparent and open. I was totally moved. At first i was kinda disapointed, not many of my friends were there, but i think it was a good thing in the end. I think i would have been dsistrated, and i wouldnt have wanted to miss out on the wonder the service held. Any way, im beat and i have class in the am, so i will sign off.
love ya ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2005

An update

So just a little update for u guys. The other day i did end up going to work, ajd had a pretty awesome day. I had the cutest old man as my patient. He had these huge ears, and the greatest smile. He was trying to call his wife and while he was waiting for it to ring he waould say "comment ca va?... Bein merci" the he laughed "my wife doesnt speak french... neither do I" It was totally cute. We had a good day, at supper tiem when his food came i asked him if he wantewd his meat cut, he replied "yes, u can cut it in half, 1/2 for u, 1/2 for me" It weas really cute, of course i didnt eat it, i told him that it was his , and i was fine. Just different things about my day were good. He was a really great patient, a bit of a "busy" guy, but it was fine, i didnt mind.
Ryan and i did get to watch our movie, i got up at 1030, i havent been feeling well so i took the opportunity to sleep in. Anyway, i got up, we ordered wings form swiss chalet for breakfast, then watched sipderman one and two. SOOOO good, totally had underestimated it as a movie. I DID enjoy it. i worked on a sewin project in the evening, yeah i know im such a domestic person, its sad , or really good depends on how you look at it, in any case i am. So my current project is a scrub set, for when i eventually start nursing clinical, whenevr the frigg that is, lol. I have about 1-1.5 hours worht of work left MAX. I will try to post a pic of the finished product, unless they turn out bad, lol then you will never see it. Althoug i think it'll be fine. I like the pants, so i cant see them being to bad. Mind you no scrubs are really extreamly flattering. Its just the nature of them i guess. As i always say though, good thjing its not a fashion show. Any way, then my second project which will take a bit longer, is a quilt. I love quilts, love them. SO im makin one. Im taking the reminents of the fabric from various sewing projects, and using them to make my quilt. I will probably have to suplm,ent with some other fabric though cause i diont really havbe a big enough supply of reminents yet. If you have any cotton/ poly cotton pieces you wnt to donate to my cause i will take them lol. I may just go to walmart or fabricville and buy sime of there reminent pices that you can buy, u know the littel strips they sell that are rolled up, just to suppliment what i have. Any way, thats my "little" update. Have a good one.
Bon Nuit!
hehe ok so that jsut reminded me of this old sesame street vingette, where this man pulls down his blind and says "bonnuit" then it rolls back up, then he pulls it back down, again saying "bon nuit!" this time a little more forcefull, anyway, thats my littel bit of weirdness showing through. Good night!

Friday, March 11, 2005

So much for that

Ok so, tonight Ryan, my bro in law, and i had planed this awsome night. A spiderman marathon, and food. Ben and jerrys, wings, chips, pop. It was gonna be really fun, i was lookinmg froward to it. Then, as we were jsut gettin settled into the movie, mom comes home anouncing that they need to take the VCR, So that leaves us with nothin. I was disapointed. FRIG! Oh we;ll we are saying we'll postpon it so it had better work out for tomorrow. It sure better!. Ok so thats my littel rant for tonight. Enjoy your friday, im not. Ok that sounded bitterm, and im not . Honest. Love ya!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Cave of Adullam

Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam. Reach to me, reach to me. No one cares for my soul. I thought I saw your kingdom, but it's not going to happen like I thought it would happen. . Remind me, remind me of the vision you gave me. Remind me, remind me what anointing oil is for. I need to know you're near me. I need to know you are holding me just as closely . Chorus: as the day you took my life and gave me a vision, as the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream. I can't believe this is happening. How does a shepherd become a king?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I just dont know

Sittting here, i got home 10mins ago. Intersting night. DOnt know really how to sum up my thoughts. Really have so much to say, yet no way of saying it, or realy just cant . Wanted to post, get soem stuff off my chest, but now that im here cant find th words to say it. Things for me aere interesting right now. Alot goin on in this head of mine, sp many thoughts, so many feelings, so, just well... i dont know. I know this doesnt make sense for u my e-audience, sorry bout that. Well its not getting any earlier i suppose, and alas morning will come so very quick, so i guess i should sing off, lalalala, hehe ok im a dork, i meant sign off then i got carried away with my typo. SOme days i wonder if im on crack. Anyway, off to process my brain
Je vous aimez!

PS, leaving things in God's hands is not as easy as one might think, but its worked thus far, now its just a matter of letting it happen again. Thanks for listening to my ramble,
Love and Hugs,