Sunday, March 13, 2005


Oh man am i ever tired i just got home. I was babysitting, and let me tell you it could make a person NOT want children. Yes it was that bad. Any of you who know me, i typically dont get frazzled by kids, i can take a ton of crap from them, but tonight, i was near my wits end. Aside from that, we had an AWESOME service at church today. It was this "open sunday" well we did this thing where ppl shared a burden and then ppl could come and stand around them and we would pray for them. It symbolized us sharing the burden, wow was it eber powerfull. People were so transparent and open. I was totally moved. At first i was kinda disapointed, not many of my friends were there, but i think it was a good thing in the end. I think i would have been dsistrated, and i wouldnt have wanted to miss out on the wonder the service held. Any way, im beat and i have class in the am, so i will sign off.
love ya ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you don't update enough! that's all I have to say on the matter!