Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Just a thought

So i was watching TV today as i ate my lunch and i saw and add about poverty. It said that every 3 seconds a child dies from poverty. It was sad yes but didnt hit me until just now as i opened up my blog. I am very quick to complain. i complain about what clothes i do or do not have, i complain that my apartment is small and isnt as nice as i would have liked. We all do it. But do we ever stop to think about those who are way less fortunate than us? At least i have a place to live, at least i have more than one outfit, and i have clothes that are weather appropriate. It is really sad how much we as a socitey takes for granted. Im not saying that we should all give up everything that we have, and live with as little as we can. Only keeping 2 outfits per season, or selling our cars houses and electronics. But maybe we should just stop and appreciate all that we do have.

1 comment:

.- said...

nice blog.
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