Sunday, October 16, 2005

Life is short

I sat today at a local pizza joint discussing with a friend how fast time flies. We commented on how we found it hard to believe that we're in 3rd year university and yet it only seems like yesterday that we were in high school. This discussion really got me thinking. I looked back over the 2 1/2 years and realized that there was so much that I wanted to do but never did. It also made me think of the things I want to do in life, and how life isn't gonna wait for me. If I don't jump on board it WILL go on with out me! I think its important sometimes for us to realize this and to take action. Maybe you can't fly to Paris and buy real French bagette just because you've always wanted to. But perhaps you could email a friend you haven't heard from in a while and tell them you've missed them. Give that cute guy/girl from your College and Career group your#. Or maybe its a matter of calling a family member and telling them u love them, even if some times you don't show it. Sometimes we fear stepping out of our comfort zone. Doing anythign that could ruffle the feathers, what if it all goes bad? Well like a game, you can't win if you dont play. Who knows what might become of your venture. Just remeber life is too short to hesitate, its your life, no one else can live it for u!


Anonymous said...

I agree :-P

Adirondack Explorer said...

So well said, Naomi!


Sarah Beth said...

Here, here! I agree. Love ya Na!