Monday, November 21, 2005

Look at my new Mittens!!!!!

"look at my new mittens!!!!" a little girl shreiks excitedly as she sits upon her daddy's shoulders. She, along with everyone else huddled on University Ave. is there to Watch the Santa CLause Parade. A few of my friends, and I all decided to go. Although my toes suffered emensly due to the cold, it was all worth it. I sure had a good time. After the parade we all went back to my friend's apartment and had hot chocolate and cookies, MMMMM. It was soo much fun. The guys and the girls seemed to separate once we arrived at the apt. The guys went to the living room and watched Hockey as the girls sat at the kitchen table doing what we do best, TALKING. There is something about girl talk. The stories, the laughter, and the knowladge that these women know exactly what u mean. A nice break from the conversations held in a co-ed group or worse yet, a male only audience. As 330 am rolled around we ended our long talk. I was tired yet i was not at all phased by it because in the end quality time with the girls is so much more important!!!!
PS: 5 wks till christmas!

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