Friday, November 11, 2005

Never forget

I stood crying in the freezing cold, the tears stinging my face. I saw this old man all hunched over, trying deparately to stand tall as he marched with his fellow legion members. He was once a young, strong man, one who stood tall as he boarded a ship to go off and fight for his country, OUR country.
This scene brought back memories of my grampy. Of how he used to march for Remeberence day. Of how he would proudly wear his legion uniform, and march. He didn't talk about the war, but even when it was bitterly cold, and his legs were plagued with pain, he would still march, head held high. It made me think of of all of those boys who gave thier lives for us. But it made me think too of the people who are STILL giving thier lives. Everyday we have men and women defending our country's great name. They leave their parents, spouse, children. It is in my opinion, them who John Macrea refferes to in his famous poem , In Flanders Feild. "...Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. " It is this phrase that bridges the past with the present. It makes remeberence day about more than what those brave men did those many years ago. It makes it about the things our troops are able to do today because of them.


Anonymous said...

Well put Nams! You have a true gift with putting emotions into words. have a great weekend!
miss you!

Anonymous said...

Naomi you are an amazing writer! I find you can say exactly what you are thinking and that's not always an easy task. Your entry brought tears to my eyes. Well done =)

Adirondack Explorer said...


We've been thinking alot about Grampy, too. No one was celebrating here in NY, but we were in our hearts!

Lovely blog!