Monday, September 18, 2006

Small steps, but cool!

Ok so i am here getting settled into classes, a new set of ppl, new relationships. In the past week, i have been able to work my faith, and even my relationship with Christ into conversations. As my title suggests its not been the type if thing where i was able to go through the "plan of salvation" or anything like that, but its so cool when you can do anything to share yourfaith. We did this exercise the other day called "escape from Primavera Island" Its where there are 12 ppl stranded on this island, a tsunami is about to hit, and only 7 ppl can be saved. As a group u have to decide which 5 die. One person was a Rabi, and our group was thinking we were going to leave him on the island. Well one girl pipes up and says she couldnt ever kill a religious leader, her catholic background wouldnt let her. I begain to speak, and talked about how for a person of faith , life isnt just what's lived on earth. That real life begins after death. and for a Leader, a rabi in this case, but a pastor, preist, or Emam of other religions, they wait for that. To a degree that is what they spend thier life doing, preparing for the after life. I was than asked by our Prof. if someone wanted my place on the helicopter, would i give it up. Confidently i said "Deffinatly!" ppl looked at me, one even stated she didnt believe me. i responded "hey i have no fear in death, i dont need to" Later a girl told me how impressed she was by me and my thoughts on the whole thing. I know its little but its a seed right? Plus a couple other times it came up about me being a person of faith, and how important it is to me. Anyway, its gonna be interesting to see what may come of it all. I need to pray for God to use me here. I know i am right where i am supposed to be. I am soo at peace here its incredible. God is showing me Favor and i need to be carefull to thank Him daily for that. Well thats it for me, im off to hit the books.
Love ya!

1 comment:

Nata said...

This was a very cool story! I affirm your guts! (i.e. you showed a lot of guts, and I affirm you for that :) )

Miss you!