Friday, June 15, 2007


Welll its been interesting recently, lot of changes going on.. I'mm back for the summer change #1 back in with the parents all that adjusting to do. I am in a managment position at work which is stressfull at times, my Best friend is 3 hours away from me. oh and then i find out my parents are moving back to the states! Yeah then a month ago my grandma past away 2 wks later my uncle, My aunt is really sick and yeah thats about it . Stress is the word that best fits my life these days. So many things are uncxertain and unsettled. I have alot to do b4 the fall which is GRAD YEAR YAY!! and not having my family around for these things is gonna be weird. but ya know what i told my mom the other day "God has not forsaken us yet, i dont think he's going to start!" Anyway no time to blog these days but i will try to get on a little more!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all!!
Keep us all in your thoughts an prayers if you would

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