Monday, February 11, 2008

Long time no post!

Well its been a very long time since i posted. In my own deffence, i have had sooo much in the go and so much happening in my life blogging wasn't really a priority. But some of that is behind me now. I have started a women of faith study which is prooving to be soo benificial in my life. It is meeting me right where i am at!!!!!! Lets just say my focus had gotten shifted slightly but know with some time and work i hope to get my focus right again. I am excited to see what GOd is going to show me through this study, and what piece of lifes puzzle he will reveal next. How awesome to know that through it all "the love of God is greater far than toungue or pen can ever tell"
Love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi all