Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Early yet worth it!

Well my day started with a 7:30 bible study. At first I was complaining about how early it was but ya know what it was so totally worth it the 730 thing isn't buggin me as much. Today we learned about how approachable God really is, and how personal our relationship really can be. And more importantly that God wants us to have that relationship. So much so that he sent his only son for it. And although I have heard that said many times over my time in the Christian circle it was something that I really needed to hear again. Just as reminder. God is calling us to come to him and give over ourselves, not so that he can steal us of or lives and make us miserable servants, rather he is calling to give over our lies so that he can give us life to the fullest. Pretty neat Huh?The bible says that unorder to bloom and be beautifully the seed must first die. We can parallel that to our own lives In giving ourselves to God ("dying) Only then will we have life to the fullest extent.
Yeah so that was my morning. Plus we had chocolate chip cookies so that always is nice :)
Anyways I will be signing off now,

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