Tuesday, November 15, 2005

1st Snow

So today we had our first snow of the season. As i walked uptown from Infusion, a local tea place to the City Market the snow began to fall softly. Ed, a friend from school grumbled,not happy with this cold white matter. i on the other hand was pretty happy. After we parted ways, and i got on my bus and he on his, my mind began to wander as it often does on the bus. I remebered back to another first snow. It was when we still lived in Freddy. I can rember the night like it was last week. We were downtown and going to KOD. The quiet streets of fredericton were dusted with powdered surgar like snow, and the light flakes swilled gentlly around the street lamps. We went home and that night i was determined to sleep in the bathtub. Yes yes i was an odd child. Anyway, what that had to do with my storey i dont know. So back on track here. I love the first snow. It quickens peoples stepp slightly, they pull there coats a little tighter, and there is a sense that christmas is coming. It also make a city look so fresh and clean. It covers the town with a blanket of whiteness. It makes everything look beautiful. I hesitate to talk to much about christmas cause it is no where near time. But this first snow sure makes me want to. Anyway, i guess thats it for me, im off to work on a lab assignment. Although id preffere to be out catching snowflakes on my tongue!
Love you all


Adirondack Explorer said...

You weren't an odd chld - you were an awesome child!

I remember those Fredericton nights, too (sigh)!

Glad to be in Metro, however!!!!

Nata said...

I'm fairly certain you WERE an odd child... but you turned out to be a pretty incredible adult!

Where have you been, dear friend! My cat is clawless so now our appartment is safe to visit!!!

Anonymous said...


I love snow too...it may cool the nose, but it warms the heart in it own special and beautiful way...and hands (as it is time for hot chocolate)

I love it more too as it (and winter) is a time to to wear touques and mittens, for friends and family, for kindness to surface...even from the scrooges!

Sweet Sunshine...my site: