Tuesday, December 09, 2003


It is truely a blessing to be made in God's Image, we walk talk, think and feel. Thats last one there is what im gonna ramble about today, Feelings. I myself have some feelings, ones, which as of rite now are quite confussing. Feelings of nervousness due to an upcoming performence, feelings of excitment with Christmas just around the corner, feeling of dread knowin that i have to get up and go to work tomorrow, and the feeling of not knowing what i feel. There is a certain situation that has arisen, that i am not all to sure what to think of, it involves another someone, who will be revealled in good time, should you all need to know. Yes so I am wondering what to feel. how they feel and how i feel should they feel a certain way, oh it is all so confussing, for me, and im sure for you who are reading this. Yes well if you understand at all and think that you can give me insite on this situation then please drop me an email, i would appricated very much!!
Hope all is going well
A Bientot

let me know what ya think @ sweetbutterflyseven@hotmail.com

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


YIPPEE!!!!! Today is a great day!!! I was @ bible study and we had cookies, well there were a lot left so we got to take them home. Then in the AnA building they were giving out free muffins and coffee, and I had no breakfast so yeah!! Then I went to French class and the quiz that I didn't know about got pospond yeah again, plus I totally understood what we were doing and it was fun to do the inclass work with this guy who also j\knew what her was doing so our report was really good. Then I was just finished eating lunch and I was on my way to the learning commons and my mom called and so now I am going to Sussex to visit my sister, Sarah. YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am VERY excitd!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in 25 mins my mom will pick me up and I will go home and get ready to go, YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, good bye all! Hope you're havin a GREAT day too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Early yet worth it!

Well my day started with a 7:30 bible study. At first I was complaining about how early it was but ya know what it was so totally worth it the 730 thing isn't buggin me as much. Today we learned about how approachable God really is, and how personal our relationship really can be. And more importantly that God wants us to have that relationship. So much so that he sent his only son for it. And although I have heard that said many times over my time in the Christian circle it was something that I really needed to hear again. Just as reminder. God is calling us to come to him and give over ourselves, not so that he can steal us of or lives and make us miserable servants, rather he is calling to give over our lies so that he can give us life to the fullest. Pretty neat Huh?The bible says that unorder to bloom and be beautifully the seed must first die. We can parallel that to our own lives In giving ourselves to God ("dying) Only then will we have life to the fullest extent.
Yeah so that was my morning. Plus we had chocolate chip cookies so that always is nice :)
Anyways I will be signing off now,

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Some Thanksgiving!

Well as Canadian Thanksgiving approaches, and exams are underway, it is a time for studying, and eating lots and lots of yummy foods!!!!!!!!!!
Well, so much for that thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I was in the middle of a Psych lab and my cell phone rings. I am not usually one to answer it during class, but for some reason today I did. Well, I am glade that I did because it was my mother. Nanny, my great grandmother, is in the hospital and they will be traveling down to visit her, oh yeah, with out me. So now not only will I not get to see Nan, but I will not have my rents around 4 thanksgiving. So now what. My sister is coming down from college 2 b with me, so I won't be totally alone, but still. This is a time of thanks and food with family. ahhhh this is NOT what I need rite now. A great grandmother who is in the hospital, exams , stress, and no parents to be with 4 thanksgiving. Oh well, c'est la vie I guess.
Well I am extremely hungry rite now, and I need to find a place to have lunch.
Oh an 4 anyone who's been reading I got an A+ on my French test!!!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2003

B4 My day

Jus thought i would come and write b4 i start my day. I have a french test today, I am nervous but i have no idea why, this is really easy stuff, pronominal verbs, reflexives, and recpricals, oh well, it is human nature to stress, and i too am human so I guess its ok.
au revoir mes ami, au revoir!

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

I am sitting in the Computer Room listening to the click of the keyboards around me, and am about to pour out my heart to a computer screen, noteing how Funny it is that less than 24 hrs can change ones attitude. After I posted my "Angery Ramble" I talked to my mom who reminded me of how things always work out for the best. Even though this new info regarding admissions seems devistating this may just be God's Plan. We don't know why God chooses to do things the way he does, but i must remeber what Habbakuk 2:3 says "But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed." (NLT)
Well, I must go now I have a very good looking Bruschetta that i made waiting for me, and i am very hungery.
Luv 2 Ya