Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What a weekend

So i went home this weekend. There had been promises of some great social activities, emphisis on Promises. Well, friday night i got in later than expected, that was issue #1. A few of us still deceided to get together. Well i was having a ok time, but our driver wasnt so much enjoying herself so we left. Then saturday night, went to a party, didnt know anyone, which isnt too bad but add that to a boring party... it sucks. Wanted to go downtown but SOME ppl didnt want to so that sucked too. (hmmm i think the word of the night is sucks) Sunday was church, enjoyed that as usual. Went out for lunch with a friend had a good time. Felt so natural to be back in the city. That afternoon i spent some time with my mom. It was GREAT! We sat in Starbucks, and talked, so freely and about so many different things. I really enjoyed my time.
So did friday and Sat night dissapoint? yeah, but ya know what? i wouldnt change my weekend for the world.
Lookin forward to the next time im home, maybe spend some time with my dad. We do the whole MSN thing, but somehow its just not the same.

1 comment:

Adirondack Explorer said...

I'll look forward to time together, too!
