Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fresh Coffee Conectoion.

I pulled back the freshness seal on a new caniser of coffee this morning. Scooped the coffee into the filter and let it do its thing. I took one sip of the coffee post brew and was suprosed at its beautifuly fragrent taste. YEs coffee always taste good in th morning but this cup as awesome! Then it hit me...the coffee itself was new and fresh, and that the other coffee i had been drinking although not bad, it just was a littlestale, and not as flavourful as new coffee. THen God used a cup of coffee to speak to me, and that our spiritual lives to can become a little stale. not worth throwing out, but it just lacks some of that bold beautiful taste that some have. anyay bottom line. I dont want to be stalein my walk with God, because the fresh is so much better!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Another year has past since i last posted a happy birthday message to my dear Grandma Brown. This year's message is a little different. God brought her home last April. I contrast her birthday last year, her not knoing it was even her special day, longing to be there to let her know if even for that moment that i loved her. This year Grandma B is no longer sick. There is great debate i know about the recognition of people in heaven, but i like to think that she and beth, and papa, and are all having some cheese cake and a lasagna, chillin out with Christ. Before he barely sets down his fork she has wisked the plate away and is washing it in some heavenly sink. (assuming of course there is food in heaven) Beth is smiling, sitting with Jesus and he is telling the story about how he created her. Papa is carying on and all is well. I know that even if there is none of this and that as some theologians think there is no recognition of ppl in heaven, i know that she is happy. She is well, uninhibitied by the disease that took away a part of her life

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Matt. 25:40

In the Message Bible, Matt. 25:40 says Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.' I read that and it gets me thinking. How the face of christ is all around us, its the hungry woman waiting in line at the foodbank, its the little old man lying in the bed at the Nursing Home, or maybe even a friend, classmate, or co-worker. We all know of someone or we oursleves are "down and out". Some look at these individuals as mearly social outcast, dirty, or hopeless. Some of the people thinking htat are christians. However, if we look at this passage we are saying that christ is dirty, christ is a hopeless cause and that he is not even worth our time. I can bet that there are few if any christians who would say that they didnt have time for christ if he stared them in the face and asked for a bit of their time. Christ in his human form is not on this earth, but this passage tells us how he is on this earth and that we are not to overlook "the least of these" Chris Tomlin sings "'Amazing love how can it be that you my king would die for me. Amazing love i know it's true and its my JOY' to honor YOU, in all i do i honor you" Are we really honoring God in all we do? Are we steping out to help those that are poor in money or poor in spirit? Are we befriending the friendless? Bringing hope to the hopless? Kinda makes me wonder why the church doesnt place a higher importants on servant leadership.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The rain is pouring outside my window, and dashboard is serenading me. I would be lying if i said all was well. I am missing Yarmouth (more importantly the ppl there), missing my parents, and waiting to hear back from both student loans, and the job apps/ resumes i put out. so much of this summer i have yet to understand but a wise person wrote this: "I've realized that this summer has been difficult for all of us in ways that each of us probably don't even know...and that as much as we hated it...we all needed to be separated...for reasons that I'm not even sure I understand yet" It reminded me that things happen and some times they suck! but they are happening for some reason, its all part of a geander paln, a purpose.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007


Welll its been interesting recently, lot of changes going on.. I'mm back for the summer change #1 back in with the parents all that adjusting to do. I am in a managment position at work which is stressfull at times, my Best friend is 3 hours away from me. oh and then i find out my parents are moving back to the states! Yeah then a month ago my grandma past away 2 wks later my uncle, My aunt is really sick and yeah thats about it . Stress is the word that best fits my life these days. So many things are uncxertain and unsettled. I have alot to do b4 the fall which is GRAD YEAR YAY!! and not having my family around for these things is gonna be weird. but ya know what i told my mom the other day "God has not forsaken us yet, i dont think he's going to start!" Anyway no time to blog these days but i will try to get on a little more!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all!!
Keep us all in your thoughts an prayers if you would

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So yesterday i found out my uncle Johnny Died. A man in his fifties, with a teenage son, it hardly seems fair for God to take him home so soon. He never got to see his son graduate, or go to college. I dont see the justice in that. I am not going to say i am made at God because ultimatly i know that his ways are perfect, but humanly it doesnt seem fair.
Mom and her two sisters and thier mother all flew out to BC today for the funeral. My love and prayers go with them. He was the oldest, thier big brother. I considered making Johnny cake tonight in memory but i didnt have the ingredients. I wonder tonight if he and Grampy and david are all cruisin around in a big truck with the dog, gettin a coffee at Heaven's 'version of the Irving like true Wallace men. I dont know where i stand on that issue, recognition of ppl in heaven. Its a cool thought though.
This is the 2nd death for me in less then a month. I honestly dont think i can handle loosing another loved one anytime soon. I think i might break if it happens. Anyway i should go, i have some stuff to do b4 bed. I need to go early 'so i am not totally beat at 545 tomorrow am when the alarm goes off.
Love ya!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Truth

I recieved and email last night from my regular ride to church saying they would be unable to drive me, but gave me an alternate # to try. I could have easily said "To hec with it.. i want the time to sleep in, and TECHNIQLY" my ride couldnt take me" I decided though to give the other # a try, no answer, still could've left it at that and slept in. I did however leave a message. A morning phone call from this family got me up and off to church. I arrived to church to find that God had plans for me to be there, i needed to here what Pastor Jim was speaking about. He talked about the person who says "i dont fit in here.. i dont belong" well that was me. I had let satan talk myself into believing that no one really cared if a came there or not, and anyone who did just wanted me there for the number it would add to the attendence. I had myself believing that no one cared about ME. Wow did that ever change today. THREE ppl came up to me and told me they were praying for me or that they would pray for me r/t the things going on in my life right now and the needs that i have. WOW. I never didnt go to church because of these thoughts, but i could see how if left to his own devices satan could very well had lead me away, to maybe church hop, or worse yet get disconnected all together. SCAREY THOUGHT. Whew, ok so bottem line, church rocked today and although there really isnt a lot going on for ppl my age sadly, i need to stay connected as best i can so that satan doesnt get permission to prey on me.
Love to All!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On the Third Day

I sit here tonight listeining to Matt Maher's On the Third Day. The entire song talks of how the very world we live in points to the Easter storey and how Jesus prevailed on the third day. Theres a 'line that says "for everything must die to rise again" and today that brings me great peace and hope. I got word today that my Grandma Brown is in the last days of her life, she has begun the molding process, and is curled up into the fetal position. The DOC at her LTC facility has told us to prepare, for the time is comming soon. I had my moment of crying today and yes it is sad but i know where she is going when she passes and that is a far better place then our world can offer. Back to the line "For everything must die to raise again" Tonight i took that and applied it to my Grandma B. She is very sick, she is in the very last stages of Alzhimers and her quality of life is very low, when my grandma dies she will "rise" and go to heaven where she will be freed from her sickness, she will no loner be plauged with this awfull disease. SHe will be able to walk, and talk, and sing. She will be reunited wth her dear sweet Beth, she will sit at the feet or her saviour and bask in the wonder of his beautiful face; and all of this becuase she will have died. So yes this impending death will be sad, but really we can take comfprt in knowing that "everything must die to rise again"

Friday, April 13, 2007

What a week!

The week is drawing to and end and i have to say it has been an interesting one for sure. 5 days ago i recieved the word that Shaun had been involved in the incident overseas. I posted on monday about it, and u all know of my disgust r/t it. I do however have to praise our Glorious and AWESOME God for his watch care over him. As i told a CBC representative, i do not believe in luck, and i told shaun that b4 he left, hence never wishin him "good luck" I do however believe in the unfailling power of the Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled Shaun to come home (which is tomorrow night by the way!!!!) It is bitter sweet of course, this isnt the way we would have wanted for him to come back, however he is alive and that is something to be so thanfull for. Another note to the families of the others who were not as forunate, my love and prayers go out to you in the deepest and most sincer way!

Monday, April 09, 2007

What a sick World

What a sick world we live in these days. I shake my head as i read the news. Yesterday a canadaian LAVIII was hit with explosives causing the amo on board to ignite and kill 6 and critically injury one candadian solider. I shake my head! These men were over there trying to make this country a BETTER place. They went over believeing in the mission, they went so that the citizens of the nation could have a better life, and this is what they get in return. I was very close to the injured solider, i thank GOD that he wasnt killed but for 6 families and friend groups the news wasnt as good.
To the Cpl Fevens family, we pray for a speedy and total recovery for Shaun, I have to believe that God spared him his life, and that he has great things in store for him. To the Sgt. Lucas, Cpl. Williams, Pte.Kennedy, Pte.Greenslade, and Cpl. Stannix families i pray for you all in this trying time. I can even begin to imagine the loss that you are experiencing, you lost sons, fathers, brothers, partners. Know that like many my prayers are with you, and i mean that. I pray daily for the soliders and thier families both present and fallen. Their families are as much a part of this war as they are, its just in a little different way.
Love and Prayers to all

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A poem by Dad

A poem by my Dad for you Sweet Beth

The day dawned dark as the creek ran high.
The girl wandered off while the world seemed fine.
The waters churned white while the mother marked time
.The creek bank beckoned as the shoppers walk by.

The moment marked only by trees and brook
The quiet calls merged into desperate look.
The crews offered hope while doubtful heads shook.
The girl was ensnared by a wooden stick’s crook.
The family wretched as the word was brought.
The mother melted as the father fought.
The grandmother prayed as the brother thought.
The doctor listened as the body taught.

The preacher preached as the people cried
The hearse was readied and the casket aligned.
The streets were emptied by motorcade ride.
The graveyard beckoned as the casket was spied.
The heavens opened as the angels sang.
The strings of heaven sweet music rang.

The Father welcomed and the Son explained.
The child, now enlightened, awaits The Coming Day!

Monday, January 29, 2007

They're off

Well they're off, 120 troops from CFB gagetown left today. Amongst them was Cpl. Shaun Fevens, a dear friend of mine. I Prayed for them a couple times today, and will continue to do so ove rthe next 6 mos. Although i have been praying for out troops b4 now, it is personal now. And i find its closer to the forefront of my thoughts. As always i will wear red friday a simple way to remind myself of the sacrifices these men and women are making for me.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Well what an awesome day!!!!! Let me repeat that... WHAT AN AWESOME DAY!!!!! I went to church this AM and the presence of the Lord fell upon me like I have never felt it before. I was brought to tears. I cried uncontrollably and could not even pin point exactly why. I just knew it was God. I have been less then myself recently, and I heard over and over today GOD WILL HEAR YOUR CRIES. Pastor Jim said he felt lead to open the alters again, he just felt like he was supposed to do it. I steped out of my seat b4 the words left his lips andwent to the alter and humbled myself b4 God and you know what a huge burden has been lifted from my chest. This overwhelmed feeling that I have been carrying for the past month seems to be lifted... PRAISE THE LORD.
We had a guest speaker who spoke about the need to step out of your comfort zone and obey God. Although in part I think she means greater things, big plans God has instore for me ,things I know he wants me to do, the beginning of that "stepping out of your comfort zone" was me walking to the alter. Those of you who know me know when it come to things like that I am rather shy. I find it awkward to pray out loud at the dinner table. So to make a public declaration of prayer (the alter) is pretty big.
Anyway I may be overwhelmed with school and the business it brings, I may be feeling alone in this basement of an Apt, but I know I am not in this alone. God is with me and is there for me. And if that isn't comfort then I don't know what is.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

My desire - J. Camp

You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the king

You want to be whole, you want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today
Then lay it all down before the king

This is my desire, this is my return
This is my desire to be used by you
You want to be real, you want to be empty inside
And I know my heart is to feel you near
And I know my life
It's to do your will
It's to do your will

All my life I have seen
Where you've take me
Beyond all I have hoped
And there's more left unseen

There's not much I can do to repay all you've done
So I give my hands to you!