Thursday, December 21, 2006


A few cookies for you my e-audience!

Monday, December 11, 2006

random writing

Well it's 5mins to 1 suday evening, well monday morning i suppose. I have an examin less than 8hrs. and i should be studying yet somehow i seem drawn to write here. Exam seasons is upon us and oh how i hate it. The coffee pot is forever on, and if ya'll thought i drank alot of coffee b4 you aint seen nothin yet. ( ok enough southren talk)
I am feeling rather relaxed tonight, despite the ball of nerves i really am. I talked to my mom tonight for a good little while, it was an awesome break from the books. I am really missing her and my dad these days. Its funny how that happens. A person waits thier whole life to move out and grant it i love the freedoms that intails, but theres nothing like goin home. I am going there for a few weeks this holiday season and i am very much looking forward to it. It should be good. Well my eyes are gettin heavy and sadly i still have studying to do so off i go.
Love to you all!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Anyone who knows me knows i am a no nonsense kinda girl! We live in a convenience world and i take advantage of that. Online banking, email, express lanes. When i shop i go in on a mission. i have a list, or at least an idea of what i need. Go in , get it , and GET OUT!!! I dont shop "for fun" I just DON'T understand you ppl who do !!!! LOL I like to get things done when there is time so that i am not rushed later on. All of that is well and good. Its great to be productive, an such, but life has so much to offer its important that we do not let it pass us by. Taking the time to stop and smell the flowers LITERALLY. Or take a lesurely stroll. Get outside and lay underneath the stars and just watch. Talk to an old friend and not once look at the clock. Anyway id love to stay and type but im off to enjoy some mother daughter time. I go back tomoorw so i want to seize this moment
Love To You all!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I need this!

I can lie down and sleep soundly because you, LORD, will keep me safe.
~Ps. 4:8 CEV
Help me oh God to hear and believe this. Let this be my comfort tonight, let me feel your presence, may i sleep soundly because of you. Your word teaches us that you are the great shepard the protector. you watch out for your sheep and protect us. Praise be to You for your unfailing mercies.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How awesome to Know!

How awesome to know that God is omniscient, and that he knows exactly what is best for us. I spent some time in prayer this week asking God to help me see what it is he wants for me.(r/t previous post) And last night God answered my prayers and gave me insight. Although the outcome was not what i had thought i wanted I know that it is for the best, because God knows me me better then anyone!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

I wonder as I wander

Isnt that the verse of a song?? I think so. Either way, it seems to fit my pensive mood. I have a lot goin on in this head of mine. A lot of thinking that needs to be done. I feel that i am facing some decisions which need to be made, yet i feel less then infromed on the matter so a good decision will be hard to make. Ok so i am not making any sense i am sure, welcome to my world lol. I am gonna try to take some time this week to pray things through. Relying on God and his infanite wisdom is my best bet i think. Anyway i would love to chat, but much needs to be done before the sun rises and it is all ready getting late. I will end off this post saying it was good to be back in the city for a breif moment. I didnt spend as much time with some as i would have liked, but i will be back again soon. Love to you all!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's Friday, R U wearing red??

It is friday, are you wearing red? There is a trend begining to form to wear red on fridays. It is a sign of support for our troops. I heard about it a while ago and began to look it up, it started with some military wives wanting to show support, and it just began to grow. I try to wear red on fridays as much as possible. Even for clinical i where my red scrubs. My supprt however is more than just wearing a certain t-shirt, i pray for those troops currently on tour, and those prepareing to go. I talked with a friend tonight who is currently in Afghanistan and the strories he told broke my heart. He is shot at DAILY, and in the 2 months that he has been there he has already lost fellow soliders, friends. I know more going over this winter, so yes it is personal for me, but come on these men and women deserve our support weither we know them or not. Each one is a son , a father, wife or friend. Lets keep em in our prayers!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ready to Serve

That was the subject line to the email i sent to Global Partners. I felt impressed to email them tonight and inquire about possible opportunities for me to serve this summer. I talked with my sister the other night about the whole thing and how i was waiting on God to tell me when and where. I believe it was He who lead me to email GP and we will wait to see what becomes of it. You my e-audience may or may not know this but i have a huge desire to go over seas, to help those who are less fortunate then I am, to use the talent God gave me and better the world he created, even if that means going to some remote area, thats hot, and sticky, with bad water, and weird food. I am so fortunate to live in North America, and i think sometimes we forget just how lucky we are. Any way i am going to sign off, have a great night all.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Small steps, but cool!

Ok so i am here getting settled into classes, a new set of ppl, new relationships. In the past week, i have been able to work my faith, and even my relationship with Christ into conversations. As my title suggests its not been the type if thing where i was able to go through the "plan of salvation" or anything like that, but its so cool when you can do anything to share yourfaith. We did this exercise the other day called "escape from Primavera Island" Its where there are 12 ppl stranded on this island, a tsunami is about to hit, and only 7 ppl can be saved. As a group u have to decide which 5 die. One person was a Rabi, and our group was thinking we were going to leave him on the island. Well one girl pipes up and says she couldnt ever kill a religious leader, her catholic background wouldnt let her. I begain to speak, and talked about how for a person of faith , life isnt just what's lived on earth. That real life begins after death. and for a Leader, a rabi in this case, but a pastor, preist, or Emam of other religions, they wait for that. To a degree that is what they spend thier life doing, preparing for the after life. I was than asked by our Prof. if someone wanted my place on the helicopter, would i give it up. Confidently i said "Deffinatly!" ppl looked at me, one even stated she didnt believe me. i responded "hey i have no fear in death, i dont need to" Later a girl told me how impressed she was by me and my thoughts on the whole thing. I know its little but its a seed right? Plus a couple other times it came up about me being a person of faith, and how important it is to me. Anyway, its gonna be interesting to see what may come of it all. I need to pray for God to use me here. I know i am right where i am supposed to be. I am soo at peace here its incredible. God is showing me Favor and i need to be carefull to thank Him daily for that. Well thats it for me, im off to hit the books.
Love ya!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


So it is almost the end of week one of classes, and it is finally starting to pick up. We actually did work today and i am so thankful!!! I was getting pretty bored!!!! Tonight we have a few chapters to read and although it is all reveiw for me i am going to enjoy reading it. I have come to realize that this semester is going to be a HUGE review. there is barely anything being covered that i havent already learned/experienced. Oh well thats life.
My day started out pretty frenzied. I overslept, to start. Showered quick threw gel in my hair and pulled up the mess of curls. Grabbed a travel mug of coffee and a meal replacement bar. Out the door i headed when I realized i didnt have any keys. I went to my purse, nothing, dresser, nothing. I looked EVERYWHERE! I prayed and asked God for a clear mind, when i got a "brainwave" to look in the couch cusion. There they were...of course. So i head to class, walking VERY fasgt up the hill to campus. I sit down and took a sip of my much needed coffee. And what should happen, but it dripped on my very light pink shirt. ACK!! Anyway the day continued and it didnt get a whole lot beter. Untill i got home. I got home and decided to call the church to get a phone # of someone who could drive me to church, r at least a few #'s of ppl whom i could ask. So the secretary told me she would ask around, then she said pastor Seth wanted to talk to me. He and i had a great chat, about ministry and stuff. Then I got back on the phone with Lisa and and she had found me a ride. I have never felt so at home at a church other than metro. I am soo blessed !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


There was a chill in the air as i got ready to go to the grocery store. I put on a sweater and my "puffy vest" and headed out. The smell of new apples mixed with this climate adjustment reminded me that Fall has deffinately arrived.
Fall brings with it many things. The begining of school, the harvest, pumpkins, and for church goers, the start of many new and pre-existing ministries. This year I will begin my fall season at a new church, a new home and a new school. I am going to meet with the pastor soon to figure out which ministries i can be plugged into. I am looking forward to that. I love to be involved in my church, it gives me a sese of belonging, helps me to make it "my own"
I guess this post is rather random and perhaps even nonsensical, however it is a post that was in my head .

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In Me

If You ask me to leap
Out of my boat on the crashing waves
If You ask me to go
Preach to the lost world that Jesus saves

I'll go, but I cannot go alone
Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me makes me strong
Makes me strong Cause when I'm weak,
You make me strong
When I'm blind, You shine Your light on me
Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability

How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to know that You want me
So I'll stand on Your truth, and I'll fight with Yourstrength
Until You bring the victory, by the power of Christ in me

If You ask me to run
And carry Your light into foreign land
If You ask me to fight
Deliver Your people from satan's hand

To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with Your heart
And to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To The Ends of the Earth

In the past few weeks, the song " To the ends of the Earth" has been coming to me. I was doing research for my sunday school lesson and it was on a website, I was playing a random playist and it played, I went to church and it was in one of the worship packages. As the praise team was rehursing, the words resenated in my head, and i felt my hand began to lift. I stood there and sang, the words "..cause i know that youve called me..." I have always said that i would do missions short term. But recently its been weighing heavy on my mind, and i long to go overseas. I know its a weird thing to desire, to leave the comfort of home, and go to a place where there is very littel, anf i will not only not be getting paid to work, but where i will be paying to go. But none the less it is on my heart, anad my desire is ever strong. I dont know when i will go or where. But i do know that i will be going at some point in my life.
Love to all

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

oooh clogs!

Ok so these are my new work clogs, i work in healthcare so its ok that they are ugly white. I got them at Marks Work Wearhouse. An awesome place for those ppl who are nurses, CCA's , PCWs, etc. They have a wide aray of Scrubs, and of course these shoes. They have this cushiony, shock absorbing insole, and an optional back strap. I love them! Its great because when i sit down to do my charting, or am on my break i can slip them off, but then if i have to answer a call button, or go someplace in a hurry a can slipp them right back on and not waste time tieing laces. Well thats my thought for today. Hope u are all having a great week. Luv ya!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Late Entry

So i was planning to blog about this last night but i never got around to it. So as u know i work at a local "retirement Home" as part of the Nursing Staff. Any way last night, a lady was sitting in a chair in the parlor very aggitated, pulling at her TED stockings. I go over to see what the problem was and i notie two LARGE wrinkles in them, which of course is SOOOOO bad. For those of u unfamiliar with TEDs, they are a stocking with HIGH ammounts of elasticity in them, and if not put on correctly, with no wrinkles, the person wearing them will end up with painfull ridges in their skin. Well this poor woman had deep deep lines in her legs, and they were soo very painfull. I was frustreted to say the least! The worst part of it all was that the last person to put the stockings on was the foot care nurse. FOOT CARE!!!!! Frig!!! I get so frustrated, because it is avoidable pain. There was no need for this too happen. The other girls who i work with were also pretty upset. We really do care about the ppl in our care and get pretty upset when outside agencey staff dont. Well thats my ramble for the night.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

checkin' in :)

Hey guys, i know its been a while since I posted last. I have been busy with work, church and family commitments. Its thursday night, and i normally would be excited that i am not working tomorrow night, yet i have no plans, so it looks like yet another friday night at home :( (2 in a row, yikes!) Im on my way to bed soon, have to be up early for work tomorrow, gotta love 0645 report eh??? lol. Not too much goin on with me, but thought i would check in just the same.
Love ya!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Oh what a night

So i have this love hate realtionship with work. I love my job so very much, love the residents in my care, and yet i hate that things are going like they are. I work with some pretty interesting staff. Tonight i had a few frustrating encounters with staff members, and i wanted to just shake them and ask them if they had a brain, and if so why on earth didnt they use it. Some people who work with seniors look at thier job as simpley task oriented, this is so not the case. Each of the tasks has a person behind it, every bed made has a body lying in it, every garbage emptied helps keep a persons room smelling fresh. PEOPLE PLEASE REMBER WHY YOU WORK HERE! GOODNESS!