Thursday, December 22, 2005

Hey All

Hey its been awhile since i posted last, i have been soo busy. I worked 42 hours in 4 days last week. WOrked this week too, ontop of shopping wrapping and that sort of christmasy stuff. I blog tonight with a heavey heart. I have some things goin on with me, and they are kinda gettin me down. I am working diligently to rectify them, but one can only do so much. Last night in bed, i gave the whole situation over to God. I am at my witts end, and in a cry of desparation i let him know i had had enough. Enough with my self reliencey. Do you ever wonder if sometimes God pushes us so we will rely on him? Lets us reach our max to see if we will let him help?? I am now waitin on Him, I will see what he has in store for me.
Love to u all

Friday, December 16, 2005


So i came home for christmas break expecting to get a few shifts at work, maybe just one a week. Well man was i ever wrong. I have worked 42 hours since Tuesday, and could have worked even more if i had wanted. The called me to work monday and i declinced. Then they also offered me shifts saturday sunday monday, and tuesday. in addition to my shift on wednesday. I love my job dont get me wrong, but thats alot of hours. I came home today exhusted, took a much needed hot shower, them hit the Bussines park for some much needed shopping. YAY! Not much else goin on with me. just work eat and sleep.
love ya!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

For Whom the Bells Toll

As I walked to the store tonight I heard the unmistakable sound of church bells. The sound rang threw the cold December air. I have walked that path countless times, and never once have I heard those bells. Tonight it acted as a reminder to me, that in the business of the Christmas season: school, work, travel, parties, we mustn't forget the real reason for this season, Christ's birth. I must say too, I loved hearing those church bells. It seemed to bring a calm to me. Maybe another whisper from God, I nice little reminder of his ever constant presence.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I woke up this morning feeling well rested, suprised that i felt this way being that it was b4 625(the time my alarm was due to sound). I rolled over to se what time it was , and nearly had a heart attack. It was 20 mins. to 8 and i was due on campus at 8. I lept out of bed and raced around. DOwning 1/2 a bottle of American Moutain Dew(nice and caffeinated) i quickly through clothes on. I brushed my teeth and headed out the door. No time for the bus so i called a cab. I got into the car and playing on the radio os "have yourslef a merry little christmas" by leanne Womack. It was the nicest randition i had ever heard. It brought a nice bit of calm to my ,rushed morning. This it was off to a meeting. I was feeling so stressed with all that i have going on i barely knew what to do. Ahh the life of a nursing student. As my meeting ended and i left, i felt an overwhelming sense of calm. I felt like i was going to get eberything done and that things were going to work out. Im guesing its in part because my meeting went well, partly because oof the nice little leanne womack moment, and partly because i know God is in controll. HALLELUAH!!! I am off to class now, and i honestly feel so assured in my spirit. Its liek Goid is wispering to my soul, "it's ok, you can do this, we are a team, and i wont let you down"
Anyway off to class, Love you aall

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

And they're hangin their stockings!!!

I sat this morning as ate my breakfast watching the original How the Grinch Stole Chritmas . I was immediatley brought back to my childhood. I remembered my Dad on christmas eve reading that story. He would start out in a nice narrative voice with the "every who down in who ville..." but then his voice would change as he read the words of the grinch "And they're hanging their stockings" He would drum his fingers at the part where the grinch was doing the same. He read with such tone and aflection, it made the storey come alive. I will always rember that, and i just thought i would let you all in on that pice of childhood history.
Love ya!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Hey All

Hey All,
Its been a few days since i've posted last. Ive been pretty busy with school. Papers, test, labs, exams next week. Just the normal year end stuff. Im really looking forward to the christmas break. Im gonna be working some but im actually looking forward to it. It will be a nice break from all the books. Plus i miss all the residents, I really grew to love them last year. oh yeah i work at a retirement Home in case you were wondering about what residents i was loving. Well i guess i should sign off, i have more to do today then i would like :(
love ya!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hair Cut

Ok so i got a hair cut. This first pic is my new hair cut in a straight style. The 2nd is my hair curly. The hair dresser was AWESOME. Her name was Devon and man, i will be goin back to her. Anyway just thought id post these for u my e-audience.
Love Ya!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Look at my new Mittens!!!!!

"look at my new mittens!!!!" a little girl shreiks excitedly as she sits upon her daddy's shoulders. She, along with everyone else huddled on University Ave. is there to Watch the Santa CLause Parade. A few of my friends, and I all decided to go. Although my toes suffered emensly due to the cold, it was all worth it. I sure had a good time. After the parade we all went back to my friend's apartment and had hot chocolate and cookies, MMMMM. It was soo much fun. The guys and the girls seemed to separate once we arrived at the apt. The guys went to the living room and watched Hockey as the girls sat at the kitchen table doing what we do best, TALKING. There is something about girl talk. The stories, the laughter, and the knowladge that these women know exactly what u mean. A nice break from the conversations held in a co-ed group or worse yet, a male only audience. As 330 am rolled around we ended our long talk. I was tired yet i was not at all phased by it because in the end quality time with the girls is so much more important!!!!
PS: 5 wks till christmas!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Alabaster Box

Here is a song by CeCe Winnns. It is soo beautiful.

The room grew still
As she made her way to Jesus
She stumbled through the tears,
That make her blind
She felt such pain
Some spoke in anger
Heard folks whisper
There's no place here for her kind

Still on she came
Through the shame that flushed her face
Until at last she knelt before his feet
And though she spoke no words
Everything she said was heard
As she poured her love for the master
From her box of Alabaster

And I've come to pour
My praise on Him like oil
From Mary's Alabaster Box
Don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears
And I dry them with my hair
You weren't there the night He found me
You did not feel what I felt
When He wrapped His loving arms around me
And you don't know the cost
Of the oil in my Alabaster box

I can't forget the way life used to be
I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound
And I spent my days
Poured my life without measure
Into a little treasure boxI thought I found
Until the day when Jesus came to me
And healed my soul with the wonder of His touch

So now I'm giving back to Him
All the praise He's worthy of
I've been forgiven and that's whyI love Him so much


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

1st Snow

So today we had our first snow of the season. As i walked uptown from Infusion, a local tea place to the City Market the snow began to fall softly. Ed, a friend from school grumbled,not happy with this cold white matter. i on the other hand was pretty happy. After we parted ways, and i got on my bus and he on his, my mind began to wander as it often does on the bus. I remebered back to another first snow. It was when we still lived in Freddy. I can rember the night like it was last week. We were downtown and going to KOD. The quiet streets of fredericton were dusted with powdered surgar like snow, and the light flakes swilled gentlly around the street lamps. We went home and that night i was determined to sleep in the bathtub. Yes yes i was an odd child. Anyway, what that had to do with my storey i dont know. So back on track here. I love the first snow. It quickens peoples stepp slightly, they pull there coats a little tighter, and there is a sense that christmas is coming. It also make a city look so fresh and clean. It covers the town with a blanket of whiteness. It makes everything look beautiful. I hesitate to talk to much about christmas cause it is no where near time. But this first snow sure makes me want to. Anyway, i guess thats it for me, im off to work on a lab assignment. Although id preffere to be out catching snowflakes on my tongue!
Love you all

Monday, November 14, 2005

So intrigued

i have about a million things i could and would like to post about. i may make a few posts, we will see. my first post is about people. I am amazed at some people. They do nothing to retain friends, and some even do things to burn brideges, yet somehow they feel they have the right to be mad when the action is reciprocated, or when they are less than eager to answer their beckon call. Somep people don't seem to realize that if you want friends u actually have to make an effort. Or heres a noval idea, BE NICE?! Oh well humanity can certainly be a mystery. And on that note i will end this post.
Love ya!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Never forget

I stood crying in the freezing cold, the tears stinging my face. I saw this old man all hunched over, trying deparately to stand tall as he marched with his fellow legion members. He was once a young, strong man, one who stood tall as he boarded a ship to go off and fight for his country, OUR country.
This scene brought back memories of my grampy. Of how he used to march for Remeberence day. Of how he would proudly wear his legion uniform, and march. He didn't talk about the war, but even when it was bitterly cold, and his legs were plagued with pain, he would still march, head held high. It made me think of of all of those boys who gave thier lives for us. But it made me think too of the people who are STILL giving thier lives. Everyday we have men and women defending our country's great name. They leave their parents, spouse, children. It is in my opinion, them who John Macrea refferes to in his famous poem , In Flanders Feild. "...Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. " It is this phrase that bridges the past with the present. It makes remeberence day about more than what those brave men did those many years ago. It makes it about the things our troops are able to do today because of them.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Albert was a wise man

As u all know i am a Student Nurse. I study the human body and all of its intricate workings. I study how to facilitate healing, both physical and emotional. I of course am one who believes in God, and how he created the universe. He made man in his image, planned us out thoughtfuly. Not only did he know that if we were going to fct as an organism then we would need to have some physological "constants" , he knew all the processes that would help maintain this homeostatic balance. I sit in lectures where a professure discusses the precieseness of a process in the body, maintaing Blood pH, or the small window of temperature fluctuation possible b4 cell death, and the ways in which our body adapts to that, and i marvel. I see the works of His hand day after day. I am reminded of what an amazing creator i have. And yet i am taught to believe there was no maker, no master craftsman, just a serious of coincidental happenings that produced grand results. Im sorry guys i just dont buy it. I'll sign off quoting a famous scientist "the more i study science, the more i believe in God" ~ Albert Einstien

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What a weekend

So i went home this weekend. There had been promises of some great social activities, emphisis on Promises. Well, friday night i got in later than expected, that was issue #1. A few of us still deceided to get together. Well i was having a ok time, but our driver wasnt so much enjoying herself so we left. Then saturday night, went to a party, didnt know anyone, which isnt too bad but add that to a boring party... it sucks. Wanted to go downtown but SOME ppl didnt want to so that sucked too. (hmmm i think the word of the night is sucks) Sunday was church, enjoyed that as usual. Went out for lunch with a friend had a good time. Felt so natural to be back in the city. That afternoon i spent some time with my mom. It was GREAT! We sat in Starbucks, and talked, so freely and about so many different things. I really enjoyed my time.
So did friday and Sat night dissapoint? yeah, but ya know what? i wouldnt change my weekend for the world.
Lookin forward to the next time im home, maybe spend some time with my dad. We do the whole MSN thing, but somehow its just not the same.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

We take for granted

We take for granted so many things in our lives, food, clothing, shelter, and simple cognitive function.
Today is my Gramma Brown's birthday. She is turning 68 and has such severe dementia that i doubt if she even realizes that this is her special day.
Back in the day there would have been a party of family and friends. She wouldve gotten her hair done, probably bought a new top or pair of shoes. She would have been all dolled up and there would have been a celebration. Maybe nothing more then a family get together at soemones house, or the girls wouldve taken her out for dinner. But she would have known it was her birthday and she would have probably played with her hair saying "oh now you didn t have to do that" or soemthing along those lines when a gift was given to her. Today, although i could write about many things, i am choosing to leave this one all for her. She will never see this but it has to be said: Happy Birthday Gramma I love you!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

They say...

They say that scent is strongly tied to memory, i believe this to be SOOOOO true!!! Today as i was gathering up my parcels, and about to leave the grocerystore, i smelled soemthing. I cant exactly put my finger on it but i belieive it was the cold air( yes it has a smell) and car fumes. It sent me back many many years. TO CHristmas time. Back to the parkinglot of the Regent Mall. We would have been there for way longer than i wanted to have been. Didnt Sarah and mom realize tonight we were getting our tree??? Mom digs in her purse at the car, as we stand freezing she looks up with a panicked sound in her voice "my keys?!?!" "MOOOOM!!!" we say lightheartedly. She of course sees them and unlocks the door. We drive through the "traffic" and pick up my dad from the office, or the Police Station where he had gotten called at the last minute. He gets in he car and we head to the tree lot, but not in silence, we are all singing our favorite christmas carols. We are by no means a grand choir but the sound of our voices brings me more pleasure than the sound of any famouse symphony. We arrive at the lot and the hunt for that perfect tree begins. I run to all the little trees and say in a linus voice " i never thought it was a bad little tree." Mom knows exactly which one will look best in the house, and always has a way of finding it. We all look at it and know its OUR tree. We load it into the car and take right home where it will "settle" in the toy room. Tommorrow night we will decorate it. I lookforward to that night jsut as much as the night b4. We put some CDs in the big brown stereo, and there is Eggnog, hot chocooate, cookies, and cashews, and of course a sense of excitment. Mom puts the lights on, taking a step back and squinting every so often. I am getting impatient and dont understand how it can take that long to put on lights. After what seems like ages she is finally finished. We then are able to put on the decorations. We all have our signature orniments. Sarah and i have our angles, and dad has the musical instruments. The trimming of the tree signifies the comencement of a great season. A season of love, happines, family and YES the annual Board party. In a few weeks we all sit around that tree and read the christmas storey and have an awesome day. One where dad doesnt have to go to work, and he stays in is pjs all morning. A day where we laugh and love, and cherish one of the greatest gifts we had that year...eachother.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Just a thought

So i was watching TV today as i ate my lunch and i saw and add about poverty. It said that every 3 seconds a child dies from poverty. It was sad yes but didnt hit me until just now as i opened up my blog. I am very quick to complain. i complain about what clothes i do or do not have, i complain that my apartment is small and isnt as nice as i would have liked. We all do it. But do we ever stop to think about those who are way less fortunate than us? At least i have a place to live, at least i have more than one outfit, and i have clothes that are weather appropriate. It is really sad how much we as a socitey takes for granted. Im not saying that we should all give up everything that we have, and live with as little as we can. Only keeping 2 outfits per season, or selling our cars houses and electronics. But maybe we should just stop and appreciate all that we do have.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Life is short

I sat today at a local pizza joint discussing with a friend how fast time flies. We commented on how we found it hard to believe that we're in 3rd year university and yet it only seems like yesterday that we were in high school. This discussion really got me thinking. I looked back over the 2 1/2 years and realized that there was so much that I wanted to do but never did. It also made me think of the things I want to do in life, and how life isn't gonna wait for me. If I don't jump on board it WILL go on with out me! I think its important sometimes for us to realize this and to take action. Maybe you can't fly to Paris and buy real French bagette just because you've always wanted to. But perhaps you could email a friend you haven't heard from in a while and tell them you've missed them. Give that cute guy/girl from your College and Career group your#. Or maybe its a matter of calling a family member and telling them u love them, even if some times you don't show it. Sometimes we fear stepping out of our comfort zone. Doing anythign that could ruffle the feathers, what if it all goes bad? Well like a game, you can't win if you dont play. Who knows what might become of your venture. Just remeber life is too short to hesitate, its your life, no one else can live it for u!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

All in the Family

I spin around then drop to the floor shouting "guys! guys! Who am I??" we all begin to laugh. Our laughter renders us paralyzed. Im laughing soo hard I cant move. As we calm ourselves down I am able to rise only to have us remember something else sending us into another fit of laughs. This is what I will rember most about holidays with my family . We love to tell stories and reminisce. We Love to laugh and recall the funny things one of us has done. The outsider would sit there and look at us as though we were nuts as we laugh hysterically, yet in part that's what's so great about it all. I sat on my bed at the end of the day sunday and smiled as I thought about how much I love my family.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hey All

So its been awhile (as usual) since i posted last. Things are a littel odd right now. i have moved to go back to school. Im not living on campus. Which has its perks and its pitfalls. One perk is phone and internet is included, which is something that my offcampus housing is yet to have because stupid aliant couldnt come so today marks my 10th day with out a phone or the internet. i have to come to school to email and thus email is all the communication i have with my family and friends. Thats frustrating. my living arrangments are bit frustrating too. ALthough the price is right, im not sure its right enough for whjat i have. Where i live the "kitchen" is a 2 burner hot plate and a bar fridge. My bathroom ceilings are so low my sisters head nearly skims them. But being that i am BROKE i have to put up with it cause its what i can afford. I am hoping to get an apt with someone next year Lets keep our fingers crossed. im back in the swing a things. I have a paper due tueday, I have that almost done. Handed in my first lab report of the year *ugh* its already begun. But i suppose such is life. I am realizing how pathetic it is. It is friday night and i am sittin in the computer lab on campus. Where is my social life????
Well guys its nice to get back on my dear little blog and chat. I really miss comunication with the outside world. I live in a basement and that is a bout as sad as it gets. lol
Love you
Bon Nuit!!
Inspirational # from superchic[k]
I'm not afraid to fall It means I climbed up high
I might just learn to fly, and I will spread these wings of mine
If I get up I might fall back down again so lets get up C'mon And I might fall back down again But I'll just jump and see Even if its the 20th time I'll just jump and see if I can fly
I'm not afraid to fall And here I told you so Don't want to rock the boat But I just had to know Just a greener side Or can I touch the sky But either way I will have tried
I'm not afraid to fall I've fallen many times They laughed when I fell down But I dared to climb I'm not afraid to fall I know i'll fall again But I can win this in the end!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Roll My Eyes

Some ppl... enough said

Friday, August 26, 2005

The end of an era

So i am now offically an adult. I turned 20, 17 mins ago. I am not in any way scared or put off by this bday, it actually excites me. I saw my new Apt yesterday. Its nothing glamerous by any means but it works for sure. I am hoping that i will have a few vistors from home, you all know who u are, and of course anyone else who lives elsewhere is free to visit as well. So i guess as i say goodbye to an era, i can accept with open arms this new stage in my life. One where i hope to blossem and become a better person, an indivual, the woman i am meant to become. Strong, independent, and confident.
Love to you all,

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Commercial

Did anyone see the 2005 Year of the Veterns comercial??? I saw it today and it really made me think about how much so many men and women have given up for us. Far to often ppl get all up in arms over war and such military things. Believe me, i am not a violent, pro-war kinda girl. But i have to say there are times when it really is nessicary. I shutter to think what life would have been like if we hadnt stepped up to the plate during WWII. How different would Canada be? Would we even be Canada??? I think too of the peacekeeping we have done and how without the use of our military for that how much higher would the death toll be in some of those nations. Im no military expert i dont claim to be, but seeing that commercerial really got me thinking that we dont often ackowlade the sacrifices countless men and women have made throughout the years for the safety and freedom of us, and many others in our would today. Well thats my cause for the day, i'll sigh off now
A beintot,

Sunday, July 31, 2005

I watched HITCH tonight. It was a pretty funny movie at times, yet also kinda thought prevoking. U see after all the things that the "date dr." did it was the person being themselves that won there true loves heart. Sweet yes but where am i going with this u might ask? Well it made me realize the importance of being yourself. There is not a formula for fimding someone. And really if thats how you have to get them then is it worth it? Should we not be able to be ourselves? I guess what i mean is . why are we trying so hard to fit a mould, instead we should be ourselves, we might be suprised at what happens!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Hello Lord

Hello Lord, it's me your child
I have a few things on my mind
Right now I'm faced with big decisions
And I'm wondering if you have a minute, cuz
Right now I don't hear so well
And I was wondering if you could speak up
I know that you tore the veil
So I could sit with you in person
And hear what you're saying but
Right now, I just can't hear you.
I don't doubt your sovereignty
I doubt my own ability to
Hear what you're saying
And to do the right thing
And I desperately want to do the right thing
But right now I don't hear so well
And I was wondering if you could speak up
I know that you tore the veil
So I could sit with you in person
And hear what you're saying but
Right now, I just can't hear you.
And somewhere in the back of my mind
I think you are telling me to wait
And though patience has never been mine
Lord, I will wait to hear from you
Oh Lord, I'm waiting on you
Right now I don't hear so well
And I was wondering if you could speak up
I know that you tore the veil
So I could sit with you in person
And hear what you're saying but
Right now, I think you're whispering

Saturday, July 02, 2005

I don’t want to leave here I don’t want to stay It feels like pinching to me either way The places I long for the most Are the places where I’ve been They are calling after me like a long lost friend
It’s not about losing faith It’s not about trust It’s all about comfortable When you move so much The place I was wasn’t perfect But I had found a way to live It wasn’t milk or honey But then neither is this

I’ve been painting pictures of Egypt Leaving out what it lacked The future seems so hard And I want to go back But the places that used to fit me Cannot hold the things I"ve learned And those roads closed off to me While my back was turned The past is so tangible I know it by heart Familiar things are never easy to discard I was dying for some freedom But now I hesitate to go Caught between the promise And the things I know

If it comes too quick I may not recognize it Is that the reason behind all this time and sand? If it comes too quick I may not appreciate it Is that the reason behind all this time and sand

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Ok so i was just casually checking the messages today on the phone when one came from this lady from PE offering me an interview. For those of you unfamiliar with my town thats the nursing home near my house. I am really excited about it. So that's tomorrow at 10 am, prayers welcomed ;) The really exciting thing is this home is part of a lg corporation who has also given me an interview for one of there other sites. Im really excited. Just thought id let ya know, you my e-audience. Anyway the PE job would be a resident attendent. So it would be actual patient interaction so exciting. especially since i wont be able to go back to school in the fall baring a financial miricle i am really looking for something even semi helthcare related. Anyway thats it for me i think. I will for sure update you on my interview.
Je t'aime!

Monday, April 25, 2005


Ok it has been brought to my attention that i dont post enough, this is true. Its been about a month and a 1/2 since my last post. Ive had a lot goin on since then. I wrote my stats exam, and i have yet to recieve my final grade for that class we will keep our fingers crossed on that one. I have been looking for a new job, :s. Thats not been goin all to well. I have a lead though which i need to look into. ANd as i always, more info will follow on that. I had minor surgery today, noting major, it went fairly well. Im hoping there isnt much scaring, esspecially for my sisters wedding which is coming up soooooo quick!. Any way promise i will post again soon.
Love always!

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Oh man am i ever tired i just got home. I was babysitting, and let me tell you it could make a person NOT want children. Yes it was that bad. Any of you who know me, i typically dont get frazzled by kids, i can take a ton of crap from them, but tonight, i was near my wits end. Aside from that, we had an AWESOME service at church today. It was this "open sunday" well we did this thing where ppl shared a burden and then ppl could come and stand around them and we would pray for them. It symbolized us sharing the burden, wow was it eber powerfull. People were so transparent and open. I was totally moved. At first i was kinda disapointed, not many of my friends were there, but i think it was a good thing in the end. I think i would have been dsistrated, and i wouldnt have wanted to miss out on the wonder the service held. Any way, im beat and i have class in the am, so i will sign off.
love ya ;)

Saturday, March 12, 2005

An update

So just a little update for u guys. The other day i did end up going to work, ajd had a pretty awesome day. I had the cutest old man as my patient. He had these huge ears, and the greatest smile. He was trying to call his wife and while he was waiting for it to ring he waould say "comment ca va?... Bein merci" the he laughed "my wife doesnt speak french... neither do I" It was totally cute. We had a good day, at supper tiem when his food came i asked him if he wantewd his meat cut, he replied "yes, u can cut it in half, 1/2 for u, 1/2 for me" It weas really cute, of course i didnt eat it, i told him that it was his , and i was fine. Just different things about my day were good. He was a really great patient, a bit of a "busy" guy, but it was fine, i didnt mind.
Ryan and i did get to watch our movie, i got up at 1030, i havent been feeling well so i took the opportunity to sleep in. Anyway, i got up, we ordered wings form swiss chalet for breakfast, then watched sipderman one and two. SOOOO good, totally had underestimated it as a movie. I DID enjoy it. i worked on a sewin project in the evening, yeah i know im such a domestic person, its sad , or really good depends on how you look at it, in any case i am. So my current project is a scrub set, for when i eventually start nursing clinical, whenevr the frigg that is, lol. I have about 1-1.5 hours worht of work left MAX. I will try to post a pic of the finished product, unless they turn out bad, lol then you will never see it. Althoug i think it'll be fine. I like the pants, so i cant see them being to bad. Mind you no scrubs are really extreamly flattering. Its just the nature of them i guess. As i always say though, good thjing its not a fashion show. Any way, then my second project which will take a bit longer, is a quilt. I love quilts, love them. SO im makin one. Im taking the reminents of the fabric from various sewing projects, and using them to make my quilt. I will probably have to suplm,ent with some other fabric though cause i diont really havbe a big enough supply of reminents yet. If you have any cotton/ poly cotton pieces you wnt to donate to my cause i will take them lol. I may just go to walmart or fabricville and buy sime of there reminent pices that you can buy, u know the littel strips they sell that are rolled up, just to suppliment what i have. Any way, thats my "little" update. Have a good one.
Bon Nuit!
hehe ok so that jsut reminded me of this old sesame street vingette, where this man pulls down his blind and says "bonnuit" then it rolls back up, then he pulls it back down, again saying "bon nuit!" this time a little more forcefull, anyway, thats my littel bit of weirdness showing through. Good night!

Friday, March 11, 2005

So much for that

Ok so, tonight Ryan, my bro in law, and i had planed this awsome night. A spiderman marathon, and food. Ben and jerrys, wings, chips, pop. It was gonna be really fun, i was lookinmg froward to it. Then, as we were jsut gettin settled into the movie, mom comes home anouncing that they need to take the VCR, So that leaves us with nothin. I was disapointed. FRIG! Oh we;ll we are saying we'll postpon it so it had better work out for tomorrow. It sure better!. Ok so thats my littel rant for tonight. Enjoy your friday, im not. Ok that sounded bitterm, and im not . Honest. Love ya!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Cave of Adullam

Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam. Reach to me, reach to me. No one cares for my soul. I thought I saw your kingdom, but it's not going to happen like I thought it would happen. . Remind me, remind me of the vision you gave me. Remind me, remind me what anointing oil is for. I need to know you're near me. I need to know you are holding me just as closely . Chorus: as the day you took my life and gave me a vision, as the day you poured the oil and gave me a dream. I can't believe this is happening. How does a shepherd become a king?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I just dont know

Sittting here, i got home 10mins ago. Intersting night. DOnt know really how to sum up my thoughts. Really have so much to say, yet no way of saying it, or realy just cant . Wanted to post, get soem stuff off my chest, but now that im here cant find th words to say it. Things for me aere interesting right now. Alot goin on in this head of mine, sp many thoughts, so many feelings, so, just well... i dont know. I know this doesnt make sense for u my e-audience, sorry bout that. Well its not getting any earlier i suppose, and alas morning will come so very quick, so i guess i should sing off, lalalala, hehe ok im a dork, i meant sign off then i got carried away with my typo. SOme days i wonder if im on crack. Anyway, off to process my brain
Je vous aimez!

PS, leaving things in God's hands is not as easy as one might think, but its worked thus far, now its just a matter of letting it happen again. Thanks for listening to my ramble,
Love and Hugs,

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Short Lived

So my great new job, is getting canned. We are being taken over by a new company and we all will get laid off in at the end of march :( saddness. Oh well I will look for work, who knows what may come my way. I am applying for a job tomorrow pray for me on that account, it sounds pretty good.
We had someone in from church for dinner, i made a banana split pie, it didnt freeze right :( but i still thought it was yummy :). We got on the topic of frenchy shopping, totally shares my shopping philosophy on it, right down to his methodes of shopping, what a good person, hehe its so about pushin the clothes to one side. Anyway, its Golden Oldies sunday tommorrow, should be good, kinda neat to sing some of the songs from my childhood. Not singing some of my faves though, kinda disapointed, BUt maybe next time. I have a stats midterm on monday totally scared , should be stusying, not here writing in my blog, but i some how seem drawn to it tonight. Im in a good mood minus the nerves of the stats midterm. could be the coffe i had tonight, could be a good night of christian fellowship, who knows. I feel like i could ramble on here for hours, but i guess i wont. I have some laundry to hang on the drying rack and some more studying to do b4 i go to bed. Im gonna try to keep writing here, give you guys a reason to come here.
bon nuit et a beintot,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Faith in Myself

Faith in Myself
By Marjorie Holmes

God give me faith in myself, not only on days when I'm doing great and winning and nothing seems impossible but on days when the whole world looks lousy and I'm losing and the road ahead seems too hard. When I wonder if I'm brave enough smart enough and I must be crazy to try, don't let me quit Lord not ever. Let me keep the faith in myself. No matter how many people discourage me doubt me laugh at me warn me think me a fool . . . don't let me listen. Let me hear another voice telling me, "You can do it and you will!" If nobody else in this whole world cares or believes in me let me believe in myself. I know there'll be times when I will doubt my own ability, when I'll be discouraged and on the verge of despair, don't let me give up - hang onto me. Fan the fires so that I'll try even harder. Give me even more faith in myself. Dear Lord, You are the source of life and power. You are the source of my abilities . . . and my faith. Thank you for reinforcements. I know that YOU will give me what I ask . . .

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sparatic at Best

Man im sooo sparatic when it comes to this thing. So a little update. Im back from NB :( im disapointed to a degree. I had really gotten close to the ppl i lived with, and God was really opening doors for me to witness to them. I have to tell myself though that as promised God will not leave me nor forsake me, ans that all things work out in HIS time, this being no exception. Whos to say why it is i am back here? I will wait patiently to find out. I'll go back in the fall provided i get enought moneyor if i can get into the dal program then do that. Funny thing that schools want you to pay to go there, lol. I am back at dal, not minding it. Not in any good classes, actually just stats. Its boring. I here form the ppl back in SJ about Clinical, and all the classes they are taking and i must admit i get a bit jealous. Oh well next year. I start work soon, so thats good, start the $ comin in for next year. Anyway i suppose i should go, Hope y'all are having a great day!